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2006-06-12 - 12:40 a.m.

Dear mystical cyberspace gods,

I feel like I can only be true with myself when I'm drunk and lying in the dark by myself late at night. I don't lie to myself, my friends or family, but I never tell the whole truth.

I have problems I don't feel like I can bring up to anyone around me. One of the only people I feel I can be mostly honest with will be leaving the area soon. Oh, also, I'm desperately in love with her and she hasn't a clue. On top of that, I can't tell her because of other extenuating circumstances.

So, if you could just figure out what I should do and maybe point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.

Also, if you could maybe help me figure out why so many people come to me for advice while it's obvious that I haven't a clue what's going on around me, that would maybe help me out a little too.

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